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Toby Miles’ Emails Targeted in Lois Lerner Investigation


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

toby 1Well, Golly gee…what do we have here???

While Hillary’s private email accounts have been the subject of great scrutiny, there are other email accounts we seem to have forgotten. Remember Lois Lerner…she of the computer crash and lost emails? She’s back and this time, there is something more than lost emails to discuss.

FOUND emails…no…not from what she claimed was a hard drive crash but…

Emails to and from Lois Lerner…on a SECOND private email account. Emails of official IRS government business no less.

Oh, we knew Lost Email Lois had ONE private account but now, thanks to more FOIA requests or demands from Judicial Watch…we have discovered, from her attorney…Geoffrey J. Klimas…that Lost Email Lois had a SECOND private email account under the name of…Toby Miles.

According to Judicial Watch President, Tom Fitton…“It is simply astonishing that years after this scandal erupted we are learning about an account Lois Lerner used that evidently hadn’t been searched.”

Nothing astonishes me regarding the depth of corruption in the Obama regime anymore but I do understand where Fitton is coming from…

Astonishing that the most transparent administration in our history seems to have a toby 2penchant for hiding what they do at every turn with secret, private email accounts that don’t come to light until lawsuits are filed and even then, it takes years to unearth them.

So where are we now, with the most transparent administration in history?

Lois Lerner refused to testify before a congressional committee and pled the 5th…for obvious reasons and that committee filed contempt charges against her…contempt charges the Obama regime refused to take up.

The House Ways and Means Committee then filed a CRIMINAL referral against Lerner and the Obama regime also refused pursuing THAT charge…for obvious reasons.

According TO the Obama regime…the problems at the IRS…namely, the targeting of Tea Party groups, was the result of bad LAWS and blamed a lack of FUNDING for what IT claimed was nonpartisan issues that showed no political bias.toby 3

Frankly, I’m surprised the most transparent administration in history didn’t also blame a You Tube video for the Tea Party, Conservatives only…non-politically bias, nonpartisan targeting and is it any wonder, what with all the hidden, double top secret Lois Toby Miles Lerner email accounts and golly wiz lost emails that a bipartisan Senate committee was unable to determine the extent of the non-politically bias Tea Party, Conservatives only targeting?

The next obvious question in THIS email scandal is, what was Lerner sending and receiving on not one but TWO separate, private email accounts which contained official IRS business that she didn’t want anyone finding out about?

Could those sent and received emails on her tobomatic@msn.com account have been related to the targeting or…were they related to Obamacare?

toby 4Yes…Obamacare.

It seems that there is a provision of Obamacare, called the Basic Health Program which, the Obama regime claims is funded through Obamacare’s Tax Credit provisions…a permanent funding mechanism and part of the largest tax increase in American history. There’s just one problem with that…

The Basic health Program, of which individual states can sign up for and get American taxpayer funding to cover 95% of the tab…is actually NOT part of the Tax Credit provisions…at least not according to the way the law was written which, as we all know by now, doesn’t mean a hill of beans in the Supreme Court of the United States but that’s not really the point.

The point IS…the Basic Health Program is NOT funded either by the Tax Credit provisions or, as claimed also by the Obama regime, by Obama’s budget of which the regime’s attorney says can be found on pages 1046 and 1047…however…when one examines those pages OF Obama’s budget…one can find absolutely no mention whatsoever OF the toby 5Basic Health Program.

More to the point…it…the Basic Health program IS being funded and since the federal government has no source of income other than taxes paid by the American people…and since the IRS is the corrupt agency that collects those taxes…

Could Lois Toby Miles Lerner have been emailing information regarding THAT?

There is yet another situation that should be tossed in right about here as well…

While Lois, so-on-and-so-forth hasn’t been exactly in the sharing mood where her emails are concerned…the IRS doesn’t seem to have a problem in the world with sharing taxpayer’s private information with the Obama regime which, by the way, is illegal.

Oh sure, the IRS denied they did that but…due to FOIA demands made by Cause of Action, one of the Conservative groups victimized by the non-politically biased, Conservatives only targeting by Lois whoever she is Lerner…the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (or TIGTA for the acronymicaly inclined) was forced to send TOBY 6off a letter ADMITTING that the IRS had shared THOUSANDS of such documents, containing private information with the Obama regime.

Naturally, Cause of Action was prevented from seeing those documents because of privacy laws that apparently apply to them and to us but not to the regime.

Since it was Lois Hide and Seek Lerner who spearheaded the targeting scandal…is it possible that some of her tobomatic@msn.com private emails related to the sharing of private information of groups or individuals deemed enemies of the Obama regime state?

Yes…it’s very possible because, what little we DO know of those illegally shared documents, shows that several groups or individuals whose private info was thusly shared by the IRS to the Obama regime then came under attack and harassment FROM the IRS.

How convenient.

And what happened when Congress demanded an investigation into the private toby 7information sharing scandal?

I know this will come as a shock to you but…the Obama regime REFUSED to cooperate…REFUSED to share with Congress the nature of what was shared TO the regime BY the IRS and REFUSED to dig into ITS computers and email accounts to bring the light of day to bear on the situation.

Told you you’d be shocked.

So…with IRS corruption running rampant, what exactly DO we know for sure regarding Lois I Lost My Emails Toby Miles Lerner and HER specific role IN the swirling corruption toilet bowl?

Let’s go back to where this article began and Judicial Watch’s FOIA requests…demands…and last month, they finally got hold of some 906 emails Lerner claimed were lost for all time…obviously, a mere fraction of what she never wanted seen…an in those miraculously recovered emails was found clear evidence of Lerner attempting to cover up the original non-politically biased targeting of Conservatives only.

Once again, according to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton…“This material shows that the IRS‘ cover-up began years ago. We now have smoking-gun proof that top officials in the Obama IRS unlawfully harassed taxpayers just to keep them from complaining to Ctoby 8ongress about IRS‘ targeting and abuse. No wonder the Obama IRS has had such little interest in preserving or finding Lois Lerner’s emails.”

In an attempt to cover up the original scandal…not only were Lerner and company hiding their misdeeds by trying to intimidate those being targeted to prevent them from going to Congress…she eventually created even MORE scandals by doing away with her official email accounts and using not one but TWO…PRIVATE email accounts.

In one back and forth exchange Lerner was having with Cindy Thomas…an IRS Program Manager in Cincinnati…Thomas told Lerner…“Just today, I instructed one of my managers to get an additional information letter out to one of these toby 9organizations — if nothing else to buy time so he didn’t contact his Congressional Office.

And what was it again, that Obama said regarding a question of whether or not there was any corruption at the IRS???

“Not even mass corruption. Not even a smidgeon of corruption.”

Well, if you can’t take Mr. Transparancy’s word for it…who’s CAN you take?


TODAY, Wednesday, August 26th, on CPR Worldwide Media from 2 to 4pm mudar promoEST…RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will again welcome as their special guest pro-Israel ‘Palestinian People’s Movement’ leader MUDAR ZAHRAN who will update us on the true ever-changing events in Jordan and the Middle East. Also being discussed will be the recent stock market fluctuations and Obama’s possible endorsement of Joe Biden for president.

Hope you can tune in:

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